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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


17. Add STratic Vnics to VEM


This adds the host to DVS and makes Service console /Network Adapters part of DVS
now it moves to DVS from Vswitch on Networking for that host
On UCSM, you can ESX server added to VSWITCH (DVS) and has a ServiceConsole  VNIC
20. Add a VM ....
adding second nic to internal Net (143 VLAN) to the same VM.
 Power on VM
and on UCSM , you will see vnics (one vlan 182 and other vlan 143) created and online for RHEL Virtual Machine
Install OS on the RHEL Virtual Machine from Virtual Center, you will see two NICs on the RHEL Guest OS.

nxos-b:(show int br)
veth993       143    eth  trunk  up      none                        10G(D) --
UCS1-FI-A(nxos)# show int br | inc 994
veth994       143    eth  trunk  up      none                        10G(D) --

UCS1-FI-B(nxos)# show int br | inc 996
veth996       182    eth  trunk  up      none                        10G(D) --



1. Shutdown the Virtual machine - remove the both network interfaces that use the DVS port profile

2. In Networking of ESX server ->Go  to DVS ->Manage phy. adapter

3. Remove one of the adapters  and add that interface to vswitch with service console.

4. Go to DVS (manage virtual adapters) - virtual interface and remove vswif0 or migrate to Virtual switch.

5. Remove the other adapter from DVS. (physical)

6. Now DVS has no phy adapter or Service console configured.

7. Inventory -->Networking and remove the ESX from the DVS

8. Disable DVS PTS_vswitch

 9. Go to UCSM, remove port profiles from Profile Client ( it might take time to disab;e)

DATA_PROFILE_182 used by some virtual machines :ERROR:

From Vsphere Clinet -- some active objects are there.

10. Service profile -remove dynamic vnic config

and this will reboot the server.

11. Now Data_Profile PC can be deleted.

12. Delete the Data Center from UCSM and also VC

13. Delete the Virtual Center from VM tab in UCSM.

14. delete port profiles if u want.


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